On the
Nature of Matter
by Roger Ellman
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Patent (P) The gravitation deflector is under the protection of the patent “Gravitation Deflecting Mechanism(s)” U. S. Patent Pending January 13, 2011, USPTO #13/199,867 re “Gravito-Electric Power Generation” and the patent “Gravitation Deflection Anti-Gravitational Applications” U. S. Patent Pending June 14, 2013, USPTO #13/986,877 re “Gravitation Deflection Drive for Spacecraft and Planet Surface Flying Vehicles”.
Contents ........................................................................................ |
1. The Origin of Matter: Its Cause
...................................................... |
2. The Behavior of Matter: Its
Form.................................................... |
3. The Action of Matter: The Electrostatic Effect - Coulomb’s Law .... |
4. The Action of Matter: Motion and Relativity
.................................. |
5. The Action of Matter: The Magnetic Effect - Ampere’s Law ........... |
6. The Action of Matter: Matter Waves ......................................... …. |
7. The Action of Matter: Gravitation ................................................. |
A – Particles : |
A-1 –
The Neutron .................................................................... |
A-2 – The Atomic Nuclei ........................................................... |
A-3 – Radioactivity .................................................................... |
A-4 – The Photon ...................................................................... |
B – The Limitation of the
Original Envelopes ....................... |
Appendix C –
Why No Immediate Mutual Annihilation
....................... |
Appendix D –
Integration Details for Magnetic
Effect Calculations ....... |
Appendix E –
The Universal Exponential Decay.................................... |
8. Deflecting Propagated Outward Flow ............................................ |
9. Quantifying the Deflection
.......................................................... |
10. Cubic Crystal Deflector Calculations ........................................... |
11. Deflector Design Details
............................................................. |
12. Gravito-Electric Power Generation .............................................. |
13. The Anti-Gravitational Effect ..................................................... |
15. Anti-Gravitation Planet Over-Surface Flyer ................................ |
F – Relative Propagated Outward Flow
Concentrations ........ |
G – Factors Affecting Cubic Crystal Tilt
.............................. |
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