Origin and Its Meaning On: The Origin of the Universe and Its Mechanics, The Mechanism and Origin of Human Intelligence, And the Implications for the Individual and Society.
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Science is the
process of reasoning "down" and "back" from directly
observable present physical effects and contemporary cosmological events to
ever more indirectly observable sub-microscopic physical effects and ever
more distant and difficult to access past cosmological events. But, knowing the details of the very beginning
of the universe we can reason forward and derive, predict, from that
our present directly observable physical effects and cosmological events. And, that the knowing of the details of the beginning and reasoning forward from it actually produces a direct and comprehensive match to the actual tangible, present universe, is validation and proof of that very beginning from which the reasoning began and all of its consequent implications. |
Science of The
Origin |
The Philosophy
of The Origin |
The-Origin Foundation, Inc. book “The Origin
and Its Meaning”
presents a mathematically derived Grand
Unified Theory of the
Universe and of
material reality.
For a summary of
the GUT go to
Respective roles of
Science and Philosophy
and their importance:
Science and
On the Effect
of Science on
the Behavior of
Human Society:
Science and Society
for a rational
human civilization and its progress. |
Would you like to know . . .
. . . . . . "Universe Beginning"
. . . . . . . “CosmicExpansion” |
Universal Decay Since
the “Big Bang” beginning of the Universe its energy and matter have been
slowly decaying in magnitude – somewhat as the sound of a bell or gong, which having
been struck then rings in decaying loudness until essentially silent. The rate of the Universe’s decay is
extremely slow, taking over 7.5 billion years to decay down to half its
original magnitude. We
should not be able to detect the decay because it is so slow compared to our
human lifetime and because we ourselves and all of our measuring instruments
are likewise decaying in the same fashion. But, the discovery of five independent
phenomena over the
past hundred years, for each of which science has no
satisfactory explanation each of which is seemingly unrelated to the others,
are now found to be related, sharing the same underlying cause, the Universal
Decay. The five independent discoveries having
the same common underlying cause are: - Galactic Rotation Curves indicating Dark
Matter - the Pioneer Anomaly - the Flybys Anomaly - the Dark Flow Anomaly - Astronomical Redshifts To find out more see: On Five Independent
Phenomena Sharing a Common Cause |
How can we know that The Origin and Its Meaning is correct? Proof of Validity.
What is the
point, the meaning of it all ? |
The-Origin Foundation, Inc Other
Obtain your own copy of The Origin and Its Meaning, paperback from $35 or free from
Origin Distribution
Obtain your own copy of The Philosophic Principles of Rational Being, paperback from $10 or free
from Philosophy Distribution
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This site last updated on 20 November 2020